The (Tentative) Schedule

First things first. When booking your travel, please be careful to allow sufficient travel time to our somewhat remote destination. Hop over to our FAQ for more info.

Offline Camp is a mix of formal discussion and informal networking and relaxation, and we sometimes make schedule adjustments on site to adapt to whatever awesomeness ensues. That said, here's a look at our current schedule for Offline Camp Oregon 2019:

Friday, September 27 – Arrive and get comfy

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm - Arrive at Cascade Mountain Ranch
7:00 pm - Dinner and welcome
Evening - Relax around the campfire*

Saturday, September 28 – Unconference sessions, passion talks, and more

8:30 am - Breakfast
9:30 am - Standup
10:30 am - Voting for unconference sessions
11:15 am - Unconference sessions & recaps (round 1)
1:00 pm - Lunch
2:00 pm - Passion talks
3:15 pm - Unconference sessions & recaps (round 2)
5:00 pm - Unconference sessions & recaps (round 3)
7:00 pm - Dinner
Evening - Relax around the campfire*

Sunday, September 29 – Unconference sessions, passion talks, and more

8:30 am - Breakfast
9:30 am - Standup
10:15 am - Voting for unconference sessions
10:45 am - Unconference sessions & recaps (round 4)
1:00 pm - Lunch
2:00 pm - Passion talks
3:15 pm - Unconference sessions & recaps (round 5)
4:45 pm - Socialize and follow up on discussions
6:30 pm - Family photo
7:00 pm - Dinner
Evening - Relax around the campfire*

Monday, September 30 – Head home

8:30 am - Breakfast
9:30 am - Standup
10:00 am - Camp cleanup
11:00 am - Depart

*We anticipate a fire ban in Oregon during our visit, so there won't be any actual sparks in our campfire this year. But we promise to make the experience great!

Join a Future Camp

Offline Camp Oregon has ended, but we'd love to see you at our next event! Share your contact details and we'll let you know when the next camp location is announced.

Room Sponsors

Gathering the community for a focused conversation about Offline First is a tremendous way to advance offline tooling, design patterns, and visibility of these challenges in the tech community.

We would love to have your help.

A huge thank you for the logistics and systems support from our event partners.